Monday, July 25, 2011

'cham' ‘掺’


知道咖啡会睡不着嘛,还喝两杯,活该~caffeine overdosed~

I do miss those times when we had a huge gang of people hanging out together. But I know it won't be the same anymore,even if everyone manage to sit at the same table once again. Everyone's too occupied with their own work. Things that happened. Feelings that got hurt. People grown up.

Friday, July 22, 2011

what happen on 9th July 2011

What's the trendy colour now in Malaysia?
Definitely YELLOW!
Yes I'd always love Yellow Man! But I have no idea why the 'CLEAN' associated with YELLOW,maybe they like YELLOW MAN too! But I do know about the purpose of 'CLEAN' and like most of the young people nowadays that Facebook too much, I do know what happen on the day,although I didn't participate it. But I swear I would in the future!

Oh well, there are two types of Malaysian now: Pro-yellow or anti-yellow. But some of the pro-yellow do not really understand the purpose of 'CLEAN', and some anti-yellow mis-associated YELLOW with anti-government,trouble-makers,blablabla. Well actually a lot of young people,including some of the people I knew that went to the rally,did not belong to any political groups. People supported YELLOW ACTION because we want a clean and transparent election. We are tired of having the jokers as our nation leaders. See the 8 demands of CLEAN groups.

I'd registered as voter last week.
The young generation should stop being ignorant of what's happening in this country. We may hate politics but we do love this country. Action is needed. Never change, never know.

Bah anyway,I did went out on the historical day itself. When I received the news that all roads entering KL will be blocked I was like "oh shit". But I still decided to go with the plan,thinking that "Stupid!Trying to keep all your citizens in their house? I'm going out!'. Although I got lost and was near KL when I was heading back home from KBB,but I had no trouble, no jam no roadblock,no cars, (only a few).

People and their furkids in water~
Apparently my photo size is too large and taking too much time to upload....ok this pic for now 1st~