Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Bad day?

Guess what,my motor broke down when I was on my way to school yesterday morning. First time in my life, vehicle broke down on highway. What to do? Call for HELP la (not my school,the real help!)~

It's a secondhand motorbike,actually it wasn't secondhand. According the the document that came along with the motor when i bought it 4 weeks ago, it's FOURTHHAND! But we still called it a secondhand don't we? XD~
Well you see,it's a 10 years old bike,what do you expect? Although the motor shop uncle ensured me it has been re-polished and proper-checked,some small little parts might still broke down unexpectedly during critical period such as ATTENDING CLASS! XD~
Do not ask me how much I bought it,it's a pain in my ass. Anyway,since it is my second wifey,I'll take good care of it even it's old and worn and slow. YAMAHA Y100 with 100cc, I miss my Nouvo S with 115cc. There's a lot difference between the 15cc!

Ok story continue.
I called the motor shop,asked uncle to saved me,fast,and waited with my broken motor at roadside for 15 minutes. Another mechanic from the motor shop came with Suzuki V100,tried to fix my motor on the spot,failed,so he asked me to use his Suzuki V100 to school,which I did. Funny cute little Suzuki V100,with a back mirrors half a size of normal motor's back mirror,quite nice to drive thou.
I returned the V100 to the shop and got my motor back. According to uncle, he and the other guy brought my motor back to the shop! I totally salute them, quite a distance and it's highway! I have no ideal how they did it,but thanks to uncle, the reparation fee is free.

Lucky or unlucky, I would say that I'm lucky rather than complaining around that my stupid motor broke down bla bla bla.
I'm lucky that there wasn't car driving fast behind me when the motor engine stop functioning,because I was at the middle of the road.
I'm lucky that my sign lamp still working, so I was able to put up signal and push the motor to the roadside.
I'm lucky that my handphone still have some credit and I have the motor shop's phone number.
I'm lucky that KL drivers are not that blind.
I'm lucky that when I sneaked in to the class, Mr. Franklin didn't notice me,although I have reasonable excuse to be late.
And finally,I'm lucky to be alive :)

Learning to be optimistic, learn to appreciate rather than complain.
A bad day isn't just bad,things doesn't happened without a reason,just whether you can spot and learn the lesson or not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Learning to be optimistic, learn to appreciate rather than complain."

betui betui~~~!!