Saturday, June 28, 2008

my last friends

I drank coffee last night and I slept at 10am this morning,wth~ Yea I just woke up,and now my head still heavy and blurry. Yea yea I'm blaming the coffee,I didn't slept last night,so what I did? 'Quan Cheng' la~ Yea actually I shall blog this in Chinese,but chatting with 2 English educated Chinese,makes my blurry brain hard to switch the channel la. So bear with my crappy English.

For me,friendship is not about quantity,but quality. It's good to social and know a lot of people,but what's the point if you have a lot of hi-bye friends,but nobody to talk to when you're down or when you need a hand for you to hold. I'm lucky that I have true friends,friends that really know me,friends that are like my siblings,friends that watch my back when I fall. I have two families, one is where i grew up, another one is my friends that we hold certain common beliefs and I'm willing to share my life with. Friends doesn't just come around,that's why true friends are hard to get. I realize that I have only few straight girl friends that are really closed with me, hard to have common topic. When they talked about guys and fashion,I can't help but ROLLED MY EYES.

I have a dream. I dream that someday,in the future,me and my hengdais,will have our own family,and live under the same roof. Well doesn't have to be in same house,maybe nearby or next door? XD~'Quan Cheng' inspired me, whether it's fiction or real life story.

P/s: 'Quan Cheng' is an online chinese story(novel) that I've been 'following' for years, it's 3rd 'season' now. Neh my link there, 'xyqw-my idols'. By the way,it's in Chinese,XD~

Friday, June 27, 2008


'Darkness is the source of creativity'

A memorable night of chatting.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Bad day?

Guess what,my motor broke down when I was on my way to school yesterday morning. First time in my life, vehicle broke down on highway. What to do? Call for HELP la (not my school,the real help!)~

It's a secondhand motorbike,actually it wasn't secondhand. According the the document that came along with the motor when i bought it 4 weeks ago, it's FOURTHHAND! But we still called it a secondhand don't we? XD~
Well you see,it's a 10 years old bike,what do you expect? Although the motor shop uncle ensured me it has been re-polished and proper-checked,some small little parts might still broke down unexpectedly during critical period such as ATTENDING CLASS! XD~
Do not ask me how much I bought it,it's a pain in my ass. Anyway,since it is my second wifey,I'll take good care of it even it's old and worn and slow. YAMAHA Y100 with 100cc, I miss my Nouvo S with 115cc. There's a lot difference between the 15cc!

Ok story continue.
I called the motor shop,asked uncle to saved me,fast,and waited with my broken motor at roadside for 15 minutes. Another mechanic from the motor shop came with Suzuki V100,tried to fix my motor on the spot,failed,so he asked me to use his Suzuki V100 to school,which I did. Funny cute little Suzuki V100,with a back mirrors half a size of normal motor's back mirror,quite nice to drive thou.
I returned the V100 to the shop and got my motor back. According to uncle, he and the other guy brought my motor back to the shop! I totally salute them, quite a distance and it's highway! I have no ideal how they did it,but thanks to uncle, the reparation fee is free.

Lucky or unlucky, I would say that I'm lucky rather than complaining around that my stupid motor broke down bla bla bla.
I'm lucky that there wasn't car driving fast behind me when the motor engine stop functioning,because I was at the middle of the road.
I'm lucky that my sign lamp still working, so I was able to put up signal and push the motor to the roadside.
I'm lucky that my handphone still have some credit and I have the motor shop's phone number.
I'm lucky that KL drivers are not that blind.
I'm lucky that when I sneaked in to the class, Mr. Franklin didn't notice me,although I have reasonable excuse to be late.
And finally,I'm lucky to be alive :)

Learning to be optimistic, learn to appreciate rather than complain.
A bad day isn't just bad,things doesn't happened without a reason,just whether you can spot and learn the lesson or not.

Monday, June 23, 2008

don't worry be happy

Even holiday also got things to worry about -.-''' headache....

Today is Sunday,ok not today anymore,yesterday.
Sunday is study day/labour day~
I sweep,I mop,I wash,I clean,and,I wash again =.=''
Damn line again today,now I know how important is email.
Internet is just so important nowadays that without Internet,we can't get our homework done and have good grades XD~

I worried bout my room,I worried bout my holiday jobs,but I'd forgot to worry about my final exam. Yes you see so many stuff in my head,that's why I need chocolate to ease my headache.

Saturday, June 21, 2008



Mr.Franklin said,
Great people are people that would still happy to help even if they know other people are taking their advantage. Those are willing to sacrifice to serve others,pursuing higher level of purposes. Fool or greatness?
We might be just a fool of our life after all.


Friday, June 20, 2008


Personally,I don't really like perfume. I prefer smells of shampoo or Softlan.
I read the book before I go and download the movie,'Perfume:The Story of a Murderer'. It's all about scents and odor,that effects people's thinking. The storyline is quite.......unpredictable and the ending sudden that makes you think 'har?what?finish?the end?'. Scents carry meaning,that's the theme of the story. The moral of the story is a bit hard to catch,you'll have to read it or watch it by yourself.

Right,I do think that when you like someone,or should I say,when you're attracted to someone,you'll be able to detect the odor of the person,even it's sweat smell -.-'' . But most of the time,you'll think that's the most wonderful scent that you ever smell from a person. The odor will implanted on your mind and whenever the person is nearby,you'll feel like the person is just right beside you because you THINK you can smell her odor even she's not really nearby. That's the power of scents. And I forbid myself to let any scent implanted on my mind XD.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Just finished reading a friend's blog,she wrote those when she was 19,which is my age now. An older soul than her actual age,she is. Not dare to say that I understand what she'd gone through,but I dare say that I share some common perspectives with her,about the society and the world.

It's hard to convey your thoughts into a deliverable message,
and it's harder to make people understand your thoughts,
without making them feel offensive,
because no two human being share a same brain.
Different background and experiences made up different perspective,
what you think is rational may not be right for another person,
what you think is the truth may sound cruel to another person.
Just like the question 'who am I?',
it depends on how you perceive me.

I might not who I am that you see.

Friday, June 13, 2008



I got sin.

Monday, June 9, 2008


话说一只狐狸经过一个葡萄树,葡萄看起来很甜很美,狐狸经不起诱惑,于是在葡萄树下徘徊。踮起脚尖,到不到;奋力跳跃,到不到;对着葡萄树grrr,到不到。狐狸累得趴在属下的时候,一只美丽的小鸟轻轻的停在葡萄树枝上,慢慢的享受着葡萄鲜甜的果肉。狐狸羡慕、妒嫉、愤怒、伤心,精疲力尽得来一场空。狐狸安慰自己说,‘没关系,葡萄是酸的啦,说不定甜的葡萄将很快就会自己出现。’ (完)


'Research has shown that the vast majority of people who attempt suicide
or experience suicidal ideation are feeling depressed, hopeless, or both
(e.g., A. T. Beck, Kovacs, & Weissman, 1979; Brown, Beck, Steer, &.Grisham,
借我copy and paste。

Thursday, June 5, 2008


I like this song.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008





Sunday, June 1, 2008

moving out,moving in


I watched her moved in to that house.
Then,I moved in to that house.
now we both moved out from that house.


There would be some changes,
but I'm myself again,
no more pretending,
I'm out of her life.

Special thanks to awei,jwen and phi~
Pizza is not enough to show my appreciation and thankfulness~

The house that I'm familiar with since years ago,
here I am~
I'm part of the house now~