Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Sometimes, we judged too fast. Without knowing the inner stories and the true meaning of the words.

A team is at best when nobody is judging anybody. Misunderstanding and miscommunication happen all the time, especially in a group that you don't know each other much.

Somehow, you'll still have to judge a person whether he or she is trustworthy or not. Failing in these judgment might lead to unimaginable consequences such as life and death.

I do not agree on putting words into another person's action. Human behavior is much more complicated than what can be seen on the surface. What's hidden beneath? We do not know. We might mistook a bad guy as a good one and a good guy as a bad one. Listening to both sides of stories may lead to even more confusion. Who is telling the truth? Who have hidden agenda?

So, I don't take side. I just don't like conflict.

To judge, or not to judge. That's the question.

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