Monday, August 3, 2009

welcome to the world

Recently been able to come in contact with people who are out of my age range, I mean big people(adult) who are really BIG.

What I mean by BIG is, the position or the title that a person holds, or in another word, the role of that person in certain circumstances, such as DATO, DATIN, Y.B. bla bla bla, or roles such as The Founder, The President, The Whoever. The HIGHER your position or BIGGER your role is, the easier public will remember your name. Well, maybe not your name,but your position for sure, or perhaps your face. We might go: "owwW, so you're the president/founder of xxxx", but we won't go: "owwW, so you're a worker/volunteer of xxxx". Maybe the 'owwW' still there, but will be a 'ou' instead of 'owwW'.

Anyway, I learned a lot about the world that I'm going to step into to-- the adult world? or known as the real world? Lying, pretending, faking, socializing, cunning, boring, adverturous, dramatic, lifeless, attention grabbing, giving, and taking.

Someone is sick.

Get well soon please.

1 comment:

awei said...

i oso sick.