Saturday, September 6, 2008

random as in random

Life has been too peaceful since I got back kl,that's why I haven't been blogging until now.

Let's see,classes started,five subjects this semester,not much classes,but will have tons of assignments. Thinking of getting a part time job. THINKING as in THINKING. XD
I'm considering of taking minor in Mass Comm,specialize in Marketing Communication.
One of the subject this semester,Career Guidance (don't ask me what is that,it's a subject specially held by my department for psychology students), the lecturer wants us to write journal/blog about the lesson we learn from class weekly as part of the assignment. How cool is that? Blogging as assignment.
And I have communication problem. I don't know how to talk to people,especially strangers. Right,and I'm taking Business and Communication and Introduction to Mass Comm this semester -.-''

最近家里(as in here in PJ)出现了两只小猫,其中一只让我一见钟情,二见欢喜,三见爱不释手。小巧可爱傻乎乎的,眼睛圆溜溜,反应有些迟钝。它的兄弟看到人走靠近就溜走了,它还傻傻的缩在当地,结果就被我灵活的一双手征服了~娃哈哈哈~~ 注:征服as in 被偶按摩得服服帖帖,还有把偶的手当逗猫棒/鸡腿。没有打算强行收养它,还是让它自由成长好。Took few pictures of it,will post it up next time.

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