Saturday, November 8, 2008


Remember that a cute kitty that I mentioned in my blog last few months ago? The Siamese kitten. He was not a kitten anymore,a big grown cat now,but still cute. The Indian family that lives opposite called him Spotky or Spotty,something like that. But now he's gone. I found him laid death outside just now,when I walked Milky. He's dead,for unknown reason,he was not breathing anymore. I suspect he might be knocked down by vehicle,as he was born imperfect in terms of physical. Whoever his murderer is, I curse that he or she to be a stray cat next life. I know there are many of us that love this cat. I feel sorrow that he was not buried with dignity,as there are no tools for us to dig the ground. I didn't dare to look at him. I mourn. R.I.P.,Spotky or Spotty.

Volleyball competition tomorrow at 8am until 8pm,have to wake up at 6am. I'm the captain and setter again. I don't feel good,a bit stress. Looking forward to have a nice match tomorrow.

-How I wish that I'm a guy at that moment -

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