Monday, August 11, 2008


Let's continue about my experience about teaching shall we? I'm still teaching the standard 3,because the new teacher never came after the first day,so it's me with those little devils again.

来说说我班上的那11个小鬼吧,今天,我教了第三个星期(应该是如果我没记错的话),终于能够记得那11个名字了。不要惊讶,我记名字的能力很差,你跟我说你叫什么名,5分钟过后我又会问你叫什么名。Let's talk about those kids in my class. After 3 weeks of teaching,today I finally able to remember their names,11 of them.
Lim Eu Nee,号称小大小姐,偶尔胆大无理,最爱就是跟坐在旁边的那个男生打架,还有就是发小姐脾气。Macam anak emas la ni,sometimes will throw tantrum,and likes to fight with the little guy that sit beside her,but then the next day they'll be alright again.
Kok Keen,我总把他叫做Kok Kean。坐在小大小姐旁边,被我封为班上最吵的小鬼,一直说不停,功课也用抄的,没有救咯~ I always called him as Kok Keen.Sit beside Eu Nee,and he's the noisiest devil in class,talk nonstop with Lim Eu Nee.
Yek Zhao ,被我封为最烦的小鬼,也最三八鸡婆,可有一次这小鬼冲好凉后回家前问我‘老师要买东西给你吃吗?’,真让我有点小小感动。Most annoying devil!but once,this devil transformed into angel,and asked me 'Teacher do you need me to buy you some food?',quite touching eh~
Swee Hang,小霸王,最喜欢欺负别人,也敢跟我打架,就是可以动人家人家不可以动他,不然就闹脾气给你看。可是如果乖起来,还真的是很乖。Big bully lah this one,bullies anyone,when others tried to bully him,he'll show his temper. But sometimes,he'll turn into an angel,and does his homework quietly.
Yan Wei,黑珍珠小美女,眼睛大大皮肤黑黑牙齿白白,长大后一定是个可爱的美女~说话慢慢呆呆的,坐在Swee Hang旁边,一直被欺负,可怜也~觉得班上最可爱就是她~ Sweet cute little girl~big eyes,dark skin,sweet voice~Going to be a beauty when she grows up~Cutest among all~
Qian Hui,小小个子的女生,讲话细声细语,小声到你要靠在她前面才听到她说什么~看起来斯文,其实满顽皮的~Small little girl,looks gentle,but naughty at times~Speak very softly,have to move closer to her to hear what she said.
Yu Xiang,近视600多度,带着眼睛还是看不到黑板,属于差生,很可爱 ,可是也很皮!也是敢跟我打架的小鬼~ A true cute devil la this one,very cute~but also very naughty~Dare to pick fight with me.
建豪,有叛逆的骨子在,会欺负人,可是也会尝试做功课。Jian Hao,rebellion little boy,bully others sometimes,but does his work~
Min Yi,成绩不错,偶尔也会不做功课,跟旁边的‘发明家’说话。 A clever girl,but talkative at times.
子维,样子斯斯文文,小鬼们所谓的‘发明家’,一直‘发明’东西不做功课,可是如果向他施展压力他还是会乖乖就范。所谓的‘发明’也当然,只不过是把这支笔拆散,跟另一支笔的一半装起来。Yeoh Ze Wei,look like a nerd,but actually,a lazy nerd. Tried to 'invent' things whenever he can. His invention such as mixing those pencil parts up.
振辉,就是喜欢问我私人问题的小鬼,却也蛮乖的,会听话的其中一个~ A kid that likes to ask a lot questions,regarding my personal information.

还有一些其他年级的小鬼,因为经常给我检查功课,也跟我比较熟了~And other kids from other classes, I befriended them when I check their school homework.
Goh Wei Sheng,一年纪的小男生,很羞涩,静静的,很可爱。A cute little standard 1 boy,very shy and quiet.

杨彩琪,一年纪的小女生,很可爱,戴着大眼睛,很喜欢粘着老师。Yeoh Cai Ci,a cute standard 1 girl with big spec,likes to talk to teachers.

Leng Khai,二年级的小男生,其他小鬼叫他‘娘娘腔’,确实有一点哈~哈哈哈~冲凉后喜欢不穿衣服拿着毛巾包头摇屁股,而且声音还会‘嗲’,我看他长大满大的机率会是帅gay~ A standard 2 boy,other boys called him 'sissy',which I think he does have the potential of becoming gay in the future~Why?because his voice is quite girlish,and he talks in a soft girlish way,and he refused to wear his cloths after he bathed,which I think grown up gays like to be naked also,and he jumped and 'yeerrr' and 'ngeeeh' when something upset him.

P/s: translation specially for mich and ah jie,over~

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